The Mogee project started out with me participating in a game jam, where I took part as a game and a type design. With time it evolved into completing a hybrid bitmap font and publishing it as a small elm library.

The project continues for me by exploring the issue of type design isolation in video game development, especially the indie games sector. The question that interests me greatly is, why there is no obvious communication, discussion or intersection between type and game designers and game developers? A question worth addressing.


The data journalism and data visualisation project “Ethical Routing” was developed as part of the “Mapping Cities – Making Cities” course by Prof. Marian Dörk. The project was designed and carried out in collaboration with Anna Meide and Anne Lammich.

The result of the collaboration was a scrollytelling website about how modern navigation applications, namely Google maps, can be optimized for the benefit of city dwellers. In this project I was responsible for the concept development, design research, project management and the final web implementation. Here I would like to thank (again :-)) that wonderful team I worked with.

GitRead was done as part of the course “The Data Interface” by Professor Boris Müller. It is a project dedicated to the integration of data visualization and interaction design. The project was developed in collaboration with Alvaro Garcia and Yaron Zimmermann.

Collaborative software development is a complex and elaborated process. A version control system, such as Git, helps track changes in code files within a whole project. However, Git is not presented by a visual graphical user interface – especially not in the sense of a visualisation of the relationships between files.

LucasFonts is a Berlin based type design studio headed by Luc(as) de Groot. The agency focuses on developing fonts that offer an enormous variety of possibilities, high functionality and support for many languages.
When I joined the project, the concept of the future website had been already developed, as well as a click prototype comprising a series of screens.

This is a side project dedicated to support open source work. My motivation comes the fact that I myself am an open source software user. A lot of projects at the university and at work were based on different open source libraries and scripts, and therefore I want to give back by doing what I do best.

My goal is to help open source projects gain popularity through improved recognition. To accomplish this goal, I offer free logos and lettering for open source projects. Here you can find a gallery of existing works.

I would like to present some of the most significant works that I have done during my Interface Design studies at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and my occupation at LucasFonts but also some of my side projects that were created during that period of time.

Each of these projects reflects my deep conviction that modern technology is a new design tool. The principles of data visualization and of data-driven design concepts have also had a huge influence on my work. Together this led to the formation of three main areas of knowledge and practice: font design, web development and data visualisation. My projects lie at the intersection of those areas.